Path Labs and Healthcare website

Path Labs and Healthcare website
Client's Requirements:

The customer needs a user-friendly website that allows users to search for nearby path labs and healthcare facilities. They want detailed information about each path lab, including services offered, location, working hours, and contact details. Users should be able to book appointments online and make secure payments. Additionally, the website should offer features like test result tracking, health records management, and personalized user accounts.


We will develop a responsive website with a modern design that prioritizes usability and accessibility. The website will include a powerful search functionality for finding path labs and healthcare facilities based on location and services. Users will be able to conveniently book appointments online and make secure payments through an integrated payment gateway. We will also implement features for tracking test results, managing health records, and ensuring user privacy and data security. The website will be optimized for search engines and seamlessly integrate with other systems and devices for efficient data exchange. Regular updates and maintenance will be performed to ensure a smooth and secure user experience.

Technology Stack:
MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (a framework of CSS).

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