Hotel Booking Platform

Hotel Booking Platform
Client's Requirements:

Client requirements for a hotel booking platform include user registration, hotel registration, search and filters, real-time room availability and booking, user reviews and ratings, user profiles and booking management, notifications and communication, admin dashboard, mobile responsiveness, security and privacy measures, integration with external APIs, and SEO and marketing features. The platform should facilitate easy booking of hotel rooms, provide a user-friendly experience, and ensure secure transactions.


The solution for a hotel booking platform involves developing a user-friendly website or mobile application with intuitive navigation and a responsive design. It should include features such as user registration and login, a comprehensive search functionality with filters, real-time availability and booking of hotel rooms, secure payment gateways, booking management for users and hotel owners, reviews and ratings system, notifications and messaging capabilities, an intuitive admin dashboard for managing listings and bookings, integration with third-party APIs for services like maps and weather, and implementation of SEO best practices to improve visibility. The solution should prioritize a seamless user experience, robust security measures, and effective communication between users and hotel owners.

Technology Stack:
Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL

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